The Governors of St. Mary's are very proud to have successfully achieved the above award in November 2019 which recognises our effective support and challenge
Our Governors work together for the good of our school. Our Governing Body is made up of different types of governor to ensure a range of views and experiences are capitalised on. We actively encourage parents and carers to become involved in the Governing Body. As the child's first educators, you have an essential role to play in ensuring that all pupils achieve their full potential. The different categories of governors on our governing body are:
Governors now have a duty to provide their personal details to the Department for Education (July 2016). This information is encrypted and stored securely on Edubase. All governors have complied with this requirement and the DfE now has an accurate record of our governing board. All the governors and associate members of St Mary’s CE Primary School, Cadishead listed below have signed the Register of personal, pecuniary or business interests This is a declaration of any personal or business interest they or any relative or person closely connected with them, have with businesses or other organisations that may have dealings with the school. This could for example include owning or having a relative work for a business that had dealings with school; having a relative working in or for school or being a governor of another school. Any potential conflict will be listed in the table below. If any interest a governor has could be seen to cause a conflict of interest they would be asked to withdraw from any decision making concerned. This is to ensure that our governors can always be seen to be putting the interest of the school first. There are also separate staff disciplinary, complaints, grievance, pupil discipline and appeals committees which are convened if they are required. |
Name |
Category |
Appointing Body |
Start Date |
End Date |
Relevant Business Interest |
Other Educational Establishment where Governor |
Relationship with Member of School Staff |
Meeting Attendance 2023/24 |
Ms J McGarry | Headteacher | 18/04/16 | N/A | Staff Member | None | None | 4 | |
Ms H West | Parent | 28/02/22 | 27/02/26 | None | None | 0 | ||
Mr A Langdon | Chair LA | 18/10/21 | 17/10/25 | Parent | None | None | 3 | |
Mrs L Foster |
Co-opted |
25/03/21 | 24/03/25 | Parent | None | None | 4 | |
Mrs V Sampson | Staff | 23/06/17 | 22/06/21 | Staff Member | None | None | 3 | |
Vacancy | Parent |
Parent | None | None | ||||
Mrs. R Connor |
Parent |
01/07/18 | 30/06/22 | Parent | None | None | 3 | |
Ms J Jones | Foundation | 27/04/21 | 26/04/25 | None | None | 3 | ||
Mrs M Taylor | Foundation | 01/09/18 | 31/08/22 | None | None | 4 | ||
Rev R Jackson | Foundation | 24/02/23 | 23/02.27 | Irlam Endowed | None | 4 | ||
Vacancy | Co-opted | TBD | TBD | None | None | 0 | ||
Vacancy | Co-opted | TBD | TBD | None | None | 0 |
Meeting | Date | Time |
Full Governing Board | 13/10/22 | 18:30 |
Sub Committee | 01/12/22 | 18:30 |
Full Governing Board | 16/02/23 | 18:30 |
Sub Committee | 30/03/23 | 18:30 |
Full Governing Board | 25/05/23 | 18:30 |
Sub Committee | 13/07/23 | 18:30 |
More Information on what being a Governor entailsAll Governors have access to a secure site knows as Governor Hub. All Governors have their own login and password. The site contains current and historical information about meetings, reports, financial statements, health and safety information and school improvement data. Further InformationPecuniary InterestsGovernors are required to disclose whether they have any pecuniary interests linked to the business of St. Mary's School. These declarations are held on a platform known as Governor Hub and can be accessed by all members of the Governing Board as well as the Local Authority Governor Services. 2022-23 no pecuniary interests were declared |