This page provides information and feedback from your responses to questionnaires and provides links for further information that you may have asked for.

This accreditation helps school to work in partnership with all parents and carers. Your support for your child's school leads to improved pupil progress, punctuality, attendance and behaviour. The framework encourages you as parents to be involved in your children's learning leading to improved outcomes in all aspects of school life.




Parent Feedback - 27 th March 2024


What did you enjoy?

The atmosphere
The chance to engage with school
Spending time in school with your child
It was really nice to meet all the team 


Suggestions for further events

Bingo nights school parents disco
More reading breakfast mornings. 
A science fair or cooking sessions with children 


What could we do to improve / change the events

I was unable to attend as I was already at work during the time of the reading breakfast. Great idea though, just the wrong time for me. 
More books suitable for older readers available on tables 7+ plus rather than just younger picture books 

Reading Breakfast Feedback October 2023


Feedback from reading questionnaires - click here

Feedback from Communication questionnaire - click here

Feedback from OFSTED questionnaire - click here

Feedback from St. Mary's Playgroup questionnaire - click here

This page provides information and feedback from your responses to questionnaires and provides links for further information that you may have asked for.

This accreditation helps school to work in partnership with all parents and carers. Your support for your child's school leads to improved pupil progress, punctuality, attendance and behaviour. The framework encourages you as parents to be involved in your children's learning leading to improved outcomes in all aspects of school life.




Parent Feedback - 27 th March 2024


What did you enjoy?

The atmosphere
The chance to engage with school
Spending time in school with your child
It was really nice to meet all the team 


Suggestions for further events

Bingo nights school parents disco
More reading breakfast mornings. 
A science fair or cooking sessions with children 


What could we do to improve / change the events

I was unable to attend as I was already at work during the time of the reading breakfast. Great idea though, just the wrong time for me. 
More books suitable for older readers available on tables 7+ plus rather than just younger picture books 

Reading Breakfast Feedback October 2023


Feedback from reading questionnaires - click here

Feedback from Communication questionnaire - click here

Feedback from OFSTED questionnaire - click here

Feedback from St. Mary's Playgroup questionnaire - click here

This page provides information and feedback from your responses to questionnaires and provides links for further information that you may have asked for.

This accreditation helps school to work in partnership with all parents and carers. Your support for your child's school leads to improved pupil progress, punctuality, attendance and behaviour. The framework encourages you as parents to be involved in your children's learning leading to improved outcomes in all aspects of school life.




Parent Feedback - 27 th March 2024


What did you enjoy?

The atmosphere
The chance to engage with school
Spending time in school with your child
It was really nice to meet all the team 


Suggestions for further events

Bingo nights school parents disco
More reading breakfast mornings. 
A science fair or cooking sessions with children 


What could we do to improve / change the events

I was unable to attend as I was already at work during the time of the reading breakfast. Great idea though, just the wrong time for me. 
More books suitable for older readers available on tables 7+ plus rather than just younger picture books 

Reading Breakfast Feedback October 2023


Feedback from reading questionnaires - click here

Feedback from Communication questionnaire - click here

Feedback from OFSTED questionnaire - click here

Feedback from St. Mary's Playgroup questionnaire - click here